Perry town hall guests asked to prove citizenship

I am not sure if I agree with this or not. I understand in theory, but it seems a little harsh. I doubt if any undocumented workers are breaking the doors down to a Rick Perry event. Especially in New Hampshire of all places.

People attending a Rick Perry presidential campaign event Wednesday were asked to prove they are American citizens.

The town hall-style meeting at Granite State Manufacturing, the first of two events Perry was holding in New Hampshire, was open to the public.

But campaign officials said federal regulations required proof of citizenship because the company handles defense contracts. A Granite State employee sat beside a Perry campaign staffer at the door and asked attendees whether they were citizens.

The employee, who refused to give her name, said non-citizens wouldn't be admitted.

While Perry's rivals have faced similar restrictions when they held events on the premises of federal defense contractors, the issue Wednesday brought unwanted attention to Perry's complicated immigration record at a critical point in his quest for the Republican presidential nomination.

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