Joe Biden: 'Too Many Americans struggling'

It is refreshing to know that the President and Vice President truly understand the plight of the American people. Both of them speak with compassion with they are talking about the ills of Americans. I know in my heart that they are doing as much as much as they can to fix all of these problems.

Vice President Joe Biden said in the weekly White House radio address broadcast Saturday the weak but steady signs of economic improvement — including an October jobs report showing the 20th consecutive month of increased private-sector hiring — prove that “we have to act now to do everything in our power” to continue and accelerate growth.

Substituting for President Barack Obama, who was attending the G-20 summit in France, Biden said Republicans in the House and Senate continue to stymie Obama’s plans to create jobs, using procedural maneuvers to block the American Jobs Act, even though he said the bill could create hundreds of thousands of jobs and make badly needed repairs to the nation’s crumbling infrastructure. The vice president urged listeners and viewers to send a message to Congress: We won’t take ‘no’ for an answer.

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