In Voter ID Debate, A Few Go Against Party Lines

If there are legitimate concerns with Voter Id, then by all means I think it should be investigated. However, some of the reports are scary. When the new laws in several states are denying 92 year old women voter ids, then we have reached an all time low. These women have been voting for decades. I doubt they are part of some major ring to fraud the government by voting illegally. Especially since they know what it was like when they could not vote.

The debate over requiring voters to show photo ID at the polls has been a heated one. Democrats accuse Republicans, who support such laws, of wanting to suppress the votes of minorities, the elderly and the poor. Republicans accuse Democrats, who oppose ID rules, of condoning voter fraud.

It's a sharp partisan divide. But a few people have gone against the tide and they're getting some political heat for doing so.

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