Herman Cain's misconduct allegations brings out conflicting accounts

Of course his comments are going to be different, he should be trained to gather all facts before speaking. He has changed his story too often which is why he is not being believed. Herman Cain cannot say that racism does not exist and then use the term 'lynching' to describe his current situation. Unacceptable!! Owe it and move on!!!

Herman Cain backtracked on a central part of his story about the sexual harassment allegations leveled against him in the 1990s, telling PBS and Fox News that he recalled details of a financial settlement with one of the women involved.

Changing his tune on the question of cash settlements was only the most glaring of several shifts in Cain’s comments Monday on the harassment charges leveled when he was president of the National Restaurant Association.

Cain told the PBS “NewsHour” that he recalled a financial “agreement” with a woman who accused him of inappropriate behavior at the National Restaurant Association.

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