GOP field readies spending spree

I hope the majority of these ads are in Iowa. I do not want to be inudated with GOP nonsense so soon. I wonder which one of these candidates will win the nomination. In my opinion, none of them are ready for prime time. Even Dr. Condelezza Rice says these candidates need to be more knowledgable on foreign affairs. I guess at the of the day, all they have is the money they have raised to throw around.

For the few Republican presidential candidates who actually have money to spend, the time to use it is running short.

With less than seven weeks remaining until the Iowa caucuses, that means GOP presidential hopefuls with real cash on hand are about to unleash a torrent of spending — finally hitting the airwaves with television ads, putting out a steady flood of campaign mail and revving up their paid organizing efforts.

Add to that the likelihood of increased activity from outside spending groups – super PACs and other advocacy organizations – and a race that’s been fought largely through free media is on a course to get markedly more expensive, and fast.

“I think you’re going to see a couple people hitting it pretty hard,” said Republican pollster Ed Goeas, referring to the compressed paid-media phase of the campaign.

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