D.C. Court upholds health reform law

I think people forget that the President taught Constitutional Law. I doubt very seriously that he would sign into law something that was remotely unconstitutional. I love the fact that he has not acknowledge these lawsuits at all. I wonder how much money has been wasted so far.

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday upheld the health care reform law’s requirement that nearly all Americans buy insurance — and the law’s supporters are declaring victory because the opinion was written by a conservative judge.

The ruling comes just days before the Supreme Court is expected to consider whether to take up the issue. That decision could come as soon as Thursday, when the justices will hold a private conference to discuss what cases to take this term.

The D.C. Circuit is now the second appeals panel to uphold the health reform law’s individual mandate.

The D.C. Circuit opinion was written by Laurence Silberman, who was nominated by former President Ronald Reagan. Silberman and Senior Judge Harry Edwards, who was nominated by former President Jimmy Carter, upheld a lower court ruling that the law was constitutional.

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