Cornel West to Leave Princeton

I wonder if being in New York during the 'Occupy Wall Street' and his subsequent arrest, has given Dr. West a new look on life. I find it admirable that he is willing to take a pay cut and still do what he loves to do. I guess as he grows into his 'social activist' side, he needs to be free to be.

The New York Times is reporting that Princeton professor Cornel West will leave his post in the summer to return to Union Theological Seminary in New York City, where he started out as an assistant professor in 1977.

The author of 19 books tells the Times that he will teach philosophy and Christian practices at Union and will take a significant reduction in pay.

"I don't have that much time, and I want to be able to do precisely what I'm called to do," Dr. West, 58, said. It will also be nice, he said, to be within walking distance of the Apollo Theater.

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