Chris Christie:Barack Obama will be tough to beat in 2012

This is amazing that a high profile Republican is not afraid to speak the truth. I agree it will be tough to beat the President, but not impossible. The scary part about this impending election is that the American people are very fickle. What is an issue this morning, may not be an issue this evening. I do believe the President is easing into campaign mode and whoever the GOP nominee is better be ready.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says it’ll be tough for the Republican nominee to unseat President Barack Obama in 2012.

The Republican says it’s possible for his party to take the White House next year - especially if unemployment remains high. But he cautioned against underestimating the Democratic president’s political savvy.

Christie was asked to handicap the contest Monday during an interview on Facebook that was streamed live from the social networking site’s headquarters in Palo Alto, Calif.

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