The Arrogance of College Athletics

I so agree with Abrams on this. In my opinion, college athletics will only admit to something if they have been caught. The sad part is the NCAA is complacent in its duty of holding these schools accountable. Unfortunately, I believe that this scandal at Penn State is only the tip of iceberg. Not only for Penn State, but for college athletics across the board. I just hope that people are not bullied into keeping their silence. We must speak out/up when we see or even hear about things happening to our children.

Every time there is a new scandal involving college athletics hope arises among observers that the latest incident will result in a wholesale rethinking of the entire "amateur" enterprise. When Woody Hayes punched a kid playing for Clemson and Bobby Knight choked one of his "student-athletes," the media seemed interested for the moment, but the games went on. When the father of a stellar quarterback attempted to "sell" his son's services to a university, when nationally prominent athletic programs became polluted by repeated rules violations, and when a booster paid off college players in cash, hope for reform was kindled anew. But nothing happened.

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