Pat Buchanan's White-Power Obsession

In my opinion, Pat Buchanan has been crossing the line a lot lately. He stated that black people are influenced by the 'liberal plantation'. I hope Pat gets it together or he will force MSNBC's hand.

Not only is Patrick Buchanan predicting the death of America as a superpower, but he is blaming it singularly on a "[President Barack] Obama rainbow coalition of peoples of color."

The ascendance of the First Black Family to the White House has driven race-crazed Buchanan over the edge. It was not much of a trip. For years, the dour pundit viewed every African-American advance as a distinct slight against "white folks."

In his new book, the title of which will fester unmentioned in this space, the syndicated columnist-analyst-white-power advocate yearns for the good old racially segregated days of his youth in Washington, D.C. "Back then," he writes of this golden age in his "Last Chance" chapter, "Black and white lived apart, went to different schools and churches, played on different playgrounds and went to different restaurants, bars, theaters and soda fountains. But we shared a country and a culture. We were one nation. We were Americans."

It's not just blacks who Buchanan blames for the impending death of America. The Asians, Latinos, especially the Mexicans -- Spanish blood and all, who preceded Anglos in the Southwest -- they all terrify him. The bright light of civilization, he argues, can be sustained only by "peoples of European descent from the steppes of Russia to the coast of California."

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