Obama Jobs Bill: Senate Scuttles Legislation Aimed At Helping Teachers And First Responders

This is sad on so many levels. Unfortunately, I am not surprised. There was no way they were going to give the Presdient two victories in one day. It is unabelievable that the Republicans are continuing to dismiss the needs of the people. I hope the President using his big stick and signs some sort of Executive Order if possible.

Despite a campaign-style push this week by President Barack Obama, the Senate on Thursday scuttled pared-back jobs legislation aimed at helping state and local governments avoid layoffs of teachers and firefighters.

Obama's three-day bus tour through North Carolina and Virginia - states crucial to his re-election race next year - didn't change any minds among Senate Republicans, who filibustered Obama's latest jobs measure to death just as they killed his broader $447 billion jobs plan last week.

The 50-50 vote came in relation to a motion to simply take up the bill. Some Democrats who voted with the president, like Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Jon Tester of Montana, however, said they couldn't support the underlying Obama plan unless it's changed.

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