Kicking the commander-in-chief for sport

I do not say this often, but I agree with Joe on this issue. I thought the GOP would be excited about the job that the President has done to clean up their mess. I don't like the idea of people politicizing the war, too many lives are at stake. We are already the joke of the world because of the lack of work coming out of Washington. Let's hope that the people will win over party politics.

Republicans spent the past decade being shocked and stunned by Democrats who dared to question their president’s motives for going to war in Iraq.

The late liberal lion, Sen. Ted Kennedy, took an extra large heaping of abuse from the right for his constant attacks on George W. Bush’s character as commander in chief. One low point for political civility was when Kennedy said the war in Iraq was “made up in Texas” for political purposes.

The House Republican leader at the time called the remarks “hateful,” “disgusting” and attacked the Massachusetts senator for “insulting the president’s patriotism.”

Rich Lowry, editor of the National Review, characterized this and other similar Kennedy comments as “paranoid lunacy.”

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