Could Gingrich Be Next GOP Challenger To Surge?

Ok, here we go again, another GOP candidate that is on the rise. Except, we have seen this candidate before. Newt Gingrich does not have anything new to say. His plans, thoughts and ideas are the same they were the last time he ran. The difference is his daily assault on President Obama. In my opinion, even some of that is getting old. But oh well, let's see how this plays out.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich remains a long shot for the Republican presidential nomination.

He's been polling a distant fourth in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, as well as in pivotal, winner-take-all Florida — all contests that will play out in January.

His campaign faced hurdles, many self-imposed, from the start. Most of his staff quit during the campaign's early weeks, after which he and his wife, Callista, went on a vacation cruise. And his claims of personal frugality were undercut by revelations that he maintained a $1 million-plus credit line at Tiffany & Co.

Critics suggest that Gingrich has been using his desultory presidential run simply to build his personal brand and to sell his books, the latest an examination of "American exceptionalism."

But could Gingrich be poised to become the latest alternative to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who has consistently been at or near the top of the polls, but has struggled to corral the party's Tea Party and evangelical Christian base?

A strong hint may come Saturday night, when the Des Moines Register releases its much-anticipated GOP 2012 caucus poll, its first new survey since July.

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