Thinking Away the Pain

This is interesting. I am not convinced completely yet. Is this really possible? Does it work for other issues? Can I think my way onto the treadmill or into the pool and reap the benefits? Does it work on thinking people away as well? Ok, just kidding. Here's to thinking away your pain.....

Pain is a huge medical problem. According to a new report from the Institute of Medicine, chronic pain costs the U.S. more than $600 billion every year in medical bills and lost productivity. Back pain alone consumes nearly $90 billion in health-care expenses, roughly equivalent to what's spent on cancer.

Despite the increasing prevalence of chronic pain—nearly one in three Americans suffers from it—medical progress has been slow and halting. This is an epidemic we don't know how to treat. For the most part, doctors still rely on over-the-counter medications and opioid drugs, such as OxyContin and Vicodin. While opioids can provide effective relief, they're also prone to abuse, which is why overdoses from prescription painkillers are now a leading cause of accidental death.

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