Church couple uses African servant for forced labor

This is unacceptable on so many levels. I cannot believe that some people still think of other human beings as property. I am glad that they have been caught and could possibly face jail time. It also appears that they were not hurting financially, so what was their motivation?

The story started innocently enough. A Georgia minister's wife traveled to southern Africa and recruited a young woman to act as a cook for a family wedding in the United States. The woman agreed to join her and she headed to the land of milk and honey in pursuit of a better opportunity. This was a God-loving American woman, after all, and she had helped countless others with her ministry, so what could possibly go wrong?

Once they arrived in Greenwood, Georgia, a bucolic suburb of Atlanta where the American resided with her family, it all started unraveling, according to documents presented to the Department of Justice. It turned out that there was no wedding, and no culinary job available for the young woman in the states. The woman's offer had all been less-than-genuine, and the young African woman was made to work off her travel debt as a housekeeper for the family.

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