Think Twice Before Reaching For A Caffeine Boost

I have to admit, drinking caffeine has never worked for me. As a matter of fact, it has no affect at all. I am not sure if I am drinking the wrong type of 'caffeine' or what. I never really got into the energy drinks. I get my caffeine the old fashioned way: coffee, tea, Dr.Pepper and Pepsi. And of course the wonderful, delicious chocolate.

Caffeinated energy drinks are everywhere, and new products are being introduced all the time.

Caffeine has many well-known benefits. Even so, last week the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a report recommending that children and adolescents never use energy drinks.

The latest caffeine product takes a new form: It's a stamp-sized gel sheet that dissolves in the mouth like a breath freshener. The product, called Sheets, is sort of like an energy drink without the water. A promotional video shows NBA star LeBron James, in black and white, placing a bright red gel strip on his tongue.

James is not just endorsing the product — he is a co-founder of the company. Warren Struhl, another partner, says Sheets has some advantages over caffeinated drinks.

"You don't have calories, you don't have to make a pit stop, and it's great tasting," Struhl says. "So we created a delivery system — as we say, a Listerine strip meets an energy product — and our product can be a replacement for an energy drink, an energy shot or even a cup of coffee."

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