President Obama and Chancellor Angela Merkel: We are Friends

It appears as if this State Dinner went off without any interruptions. Although, once again, the Speaker of the House, declined an invite. I wonder what is up with that. But anyway, it appears that the guests enjoyed themselves. The President also wanted to send a message of friendship by having a particular song during the dinner. Very chic, if I must say.

Elegant and uber-low-key, the state dinner for German Chancellor Angela Merkel was remarkably unremarkable, without a hint of intrigue or jubilant abandon, devoid of any Hollywood names. No David Hasselhoff, no Heidi Klum, no one who might steal the spotlight from the head table.

There, in the Rose Garden in front of the Oval Office, President Obama and Merkel professed their mutual admiration before 208 guests seated at tables draped in white-sequined cloth. Prior to his toast, Obama awarded the German leader the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States’ highest civilian honor.

“Now, it’s customary at these dinners to celebrate the values that bind nations,” the president began. “But tonight, we want to do something different. We want to pay tribute to an extraordinary leader who espouses these values and who’s inspired millions around the world, including me. And that’s my friend, Angela Merkel.”

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