Mitt Romney makes it official

Mitt Romney declared his candidacy with little fanfair, overshadowed by Sarah Palin. His speech was full of sound bites and attacks on President Obama. I don't dislike Romney, I just don't trust. But, oh well another hat in the ring.

"Barack Obama has failed America."

Mitt Romney officially announced Thursday that he is seeking the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. And with that stark line, he did what challengers to an incumbent president do: He called the president a flop and tried to make the race a referendum on Obama's presidency.

Romney, appearing at a rally at Bittersweet Farm in New Hampshire, had at least three narratives of the Obama presidency aimed at different groups of voters.

One was for the Tea Party Republicans who didn't vote for the president to begin with.

That was the narrative of a president who appears hellbent on turning the U.S. into a European socialist nanny state more than anything else.

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