Tim Pawlenty 2012 Presidential Campaign Expected To Launch Next Week

I wonder if anyone is really surprised by this 'pre-announcement'. I am not real sure what he is going to do or say that is going to make him a more viable candidate, but I guess we will have to wait to see. He is definitely going for the dramatic scenery with the back drop being in Iowa. Really, Tim? Wow!!!

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, a laid-back Midwestern Republican who governed a Democratic-leaning state, is running for president and will declare his candidacy on Monday in the leadoff caucus state of Iowa, an adviser told The Associated Press.

The adviser, who disclosed the plans on the condition of anonymity in advance of next week's announcement, said Pawlenty will formally enter the race during a town hall-style event in Des Moines, Iowa.

He's choosing to make his long-expected bid official in a critical state in his path to the GOP nomination. Advisers acknowledge that Pawlenty, 50, must win or turn in a strong showing during next winter's caucuses in the neighboring state of Iowa to have any chance of becoming the Republican who will challenge President Barack Obama, a Democrat, next November.

After Monday's announcement, he will head to Florida, New Hampshire, New York and Washington, D.C.

The move is no surprise.

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