Coburn to Gang of Six: Gimme a break

I wonder if the heat that Mr. Coburn is feeling from the fallout from John Ensign has caused him to want to take a step back. May be the rest of the team can get some real work done now that he is gone. I hope so because we need some breaks as well.

Aides to Sen. Tom Coburn say the Oklahoma Republican "has decided to take a break" from the 'Gang of Six' negotiations on the federal deficit.

The three Republicans and three Democrats in the group have been negotiating for months to come up with a long-term debt reduction plan.

Coburn claims the so-called 'Gang of Six' has "reached an impasse" and that he "is disappointed the group has not been able to bridge the gap between what needs to happen and what senators will support."

Aides claim Coburn has not abandoned the effort for good, but he did not attend the group's meeting today.

Coburn's office says he "still hopes the Senate will, on a bipartisan basis, pass a long-term deficit reduction package this year" and that he "looks forward to working with anyone who is interested in putting forward a plan that is specific, balanced and comprehensive."

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