Being More Productive

This is a good read from two of the best in the business. It definitely gave me some ideas on how to increase my productivity.

David Allen and Tony Schwartz knew of each other’s work for years, but they’d never met. Allen is a productivity consultant and the author of the best seller Getting Things Done, which outlines the list-driven efficiency system adherents call by its acronym: GTD. Schwartz, the author of the best seller Be Excellent at Anything and a regular HBR blogger, is the CEO of The Energy Project, which helps people and organizations fuel engagement and productivity by drawing on the science of high performance.

The two men have consulted for many of the same companies, sometimes giving seminars in the same auditoriums on back-to-back days. Then last summer Allen dropped in on a presentation that Schwartz was giving at a trade show. In the months since, they’ve gotten together several times to talk about their approaches to improving the performance of knowledge workers.

Click the link to read the interview source


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