8 Ways to Protect Your Eyes

I just mentioned to my husband the other day that it was time for our eye exams. I am not sure why I don't do this every year, but after reading this, I will do better. I hope you will as well.

Taking care of your eyes also may benefit your overall health. People with vision problems are more likely than those with good vision to have diabetes, poor hearing, heart problems, high blood pressure, lower back pain and stroke, as well as have increased risk for falls, injury and depression. Among people age 65 and older, 54.2% of those who are blind and 41.7% of those with impaired vision say their overall health is fair or poor. Just 21.5% of older Americans without vision problems reported fair to poor health.

The best option is to keep your eyes as healthy as possible throughout your lifetime is by being sure to do the following:

•Get a dilated eye exam.
•Know your family’s eye health history.
•Eat right to protect your sight—in particular, eat plenty of dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale, or collard greens, and fish that is high in omega-3 fatty acids.
•Maintain a healthy weight.
•Wear protective eyewear when playing sports or doing activities around the home.
•Quit smoking or never start.
•Wear sunglasses that block 99%-100% of UVA and UVB radiation.
•Clean your hands and your contact lenses properly to avoid the risk of infection.

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