CNN's Spitzer pushes back at Trump's business boasts

It was inevitable that Trumpmentum would eventually smash into a Trumpian takedown, a collision of unstoppable, irresistable, and spectacular forces.

After several weeks during which the Donald has had his pick of media platforms, some in and outside the media are beginning to ask questions about Trump’s possible candidacy beyond his preoccupation with President Obama’s origins.

Earlier in the week, after Trump's will-he-or-won't-he presidential bid was criticized by former Bush strategist Karl Rove and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, the pro-business Club for Growth began a campaign to discredit Trump, seizing upon his calls for universal healthcare and tax increases a decade ago and suggesting that Trump was now opportunistically casting himself as a conservative.

Last night, Eliot Spitzer and legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin on CNN joined the party, examining the real-estate mogul’s statements about some of his past projects, and concluding that Trump was apparently guilty of—and this might shock you—puffing up his business accomplishments.

Citing a deposition in a lawsuit Trump filed against an author who wrote a book about him, Trump inflated the number of units sold in a glitzy Las Vegas condominium development.

Trump also wildly exaggerated the number of mansions built along an oceanside golf development in Southern California, Spitzer said, and misrepresented what he was paid for delivering a seminar on wealth-building.

Critics, of course, have suggested for years that there are wide disparities between Trump’s self-evaluation of his personal wealth and outside estimates.

Source: LA Times - Read full story here


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