Eddie Long’s Church Facing Money Woes: Cutting Employees and Salaries

Eddie Long’s church, New Birth Missionary Baptist in Lithonia, Ga. is taking a major hit, possibly because tithes and offering and maybe attendance is down since the controversies surrounding Long personal business and the church finances.

Because of the reduced income, the church is cutting staff and reducing employee salaries.

“Like numerous other churches and charitable organizations across Georgia and the rest of the country, New Birth and its faith community have been impacted by the nationwide downturn in the economy,” the church said in a statement.

Whether the bishop’s salary will be affected is yet to be announced. However, other employees will take a 10 percent cut.

The announcement actually comes just months after a Senate investigation into the church’s spending. New Birth was among four ministries that refused to cooperate with the investigation led by Sen. Charles Grassley.


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