How does Morehouse feel about Alumnus Herman Cain's candidacy for President?

With President Obama's rise to the highest office of the land, many African American men had a lot to be proud of and generally like him as a man - whether they disagreed or not with his policies.  One would think that GOP front runner Herman Cain would get some of the same affection - at least from his alma mater - Morehouse.  But, a recent article in the LA Times sheds some light on this topic and illuminates some opinions some may find surprising. 

Richard Fausset,  of the Los Angeles Times, writes... "At a packed political forum at Morehouse College — Atlanta's storied and historically black school for men — a moderator posed a question that cut to the sensitive heart of things on a campus that has produced Martin Luther King Jr. (Class of '48) and current GOP darling Herman Cain (Class of '67).

The question: "Does Cain represent the modern Renaissance man of Morehouse?"

"... The answers from the five-member student panel were varied — an indication that although black America leans strongly Democratic, this is one majority-black venue where people are willing to take a close look at him.
Panelist Mark Smith, a 20-year-old sophomore, argued that Cain, with his small-government ethos, was "actually finding the edifice of the problem" of government, rather than proposing more expensive programs.

Byron Granberry, a junior and vice president of the campus Democratic group, got big applause when he declared that Morehouse should revoke Cain's degree. Yet in an interview after last week's forum, he asserted, with a Cain-like flourish, that he had only been joking.



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