Ann Romney’s not your typical working woman

This is such a made up controversy. I agree that Rosen could have used some different words, but I totally agree. Ann Romney made a statement yesterday that I think is more important. She said that women should be able to choose what they want to do. I wonder if she feels that way about all of our choices. I wonder if the media will pick up on that statement!!

Hilary Rosen made a legitimate point the wrong way.

Rosen — a Democratic activist, CNN commentator and, full disclosure, friend of Ruth — was talking about Mitt Romney’s move to deploy his wife as official ambassador to the land of women.

“Guess what?” Rosen said. “His wife has actually never worked a day in her life. She’s never really dealt with the kinds of economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing.”

Awoogah. Awoogah. Repeat after me: The acceptable formulation is “work outside the home.”

As Rosen, mother of two, well knows — and was reminded with Twitter speed Wednesday night — staying at home with the kids is the very definition of hard work. A day at the office, with no sticky little hands tugging at you, can feel like a vacation.

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