7 Steps To Spiritual Financial Wisdom

Most money advice overlooks the spiritual side of financial health. But if you miss the spirituality of finances, you’ll miss the truth about money and possessions in your life.

As you go through our 7-step guide to spiritual financial wisdom, meditate on each step and read about specific ways you can apply these principles. In the end, you’ll have a personal plan for keeping your spending and financial goals in spiritual alignment.

Pay For Your Future

Whether you’re planning for a rainy day, an emergency, or retirement, your income should help pay for your future. Get into the habit of setting a little aside each pay period–in time, you’ll find that saving is fun, and you’ll enjoy reaping the benefits of wisdom. With the future secure, you can be more tuned in to your day-to-day life and more at peace about the road ahead.

Reduce and Recalibrate

How high is your cable bill? Do you need those daily lattes or magazine subscriptions that go mostly unread? Having too much stuff harms us spiritually because it inhibits rest, clarity, and peace. Take stock of your consumption habits and get rid of everything you can. Junk the clutter, and also consider removing expenses that you enjoy but do not absolutely need. Simplicity will free your mind–and your pocketbook.

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